Press Quotes
"...some real style here....the score reminds me of HOUSE BY THE CEMETERY...the corpse is creepy"
Chris Alexander, editor in chief Fangoria Magazine
"It is a complete turn-around from most horror films these days, where the shock and awe tactic is used to fool viewers into thinking they just watched something special. For me, the nostalgic elements kept my attention the most because it was like a walk down memory lane reminiscent of titles like Night of the Demons, Witchboard, and Return of the Living Dead II."
MGDSQUAN, HorrorSociety.com
"The movie has its fair share of atmosphere and scares, but the soundtrack really brings them to life … It’s well shot with fine cinematography. Jonah’s make-up looks great.”
Alex DiVincenzo, HorrorNews.net
"A new icon has been missing from the horror scene now for a fair time, despite a few decent attempts. Jonah could be the one."
"I think a lot of people can easily have a good time with. I’m a sucker for anything that seems to have an old school flavor to it and Jonah Loves certainly packs that (It also looks pretty cool)."